Monday, April 28, 2008


The female ministry of silly walks

It's been a while since I did any sort of a character study of idiosyncracies, but here's one that I don't know if anyone has recorded before. And it's exclusive to the female gender:

Females do silly walks.

It's true. You've probably never noticed it. It doesn't happen too often, but picture this. You are walking toward a female, and there aren't too many people around. You realise you know her, and she recognises you. She smiles and right then: she does a silly walk. And there it is. Whether it is an icebreaker or a subconscious method of drawing your attention, the silly walker won't know the reason. She'll just do it.

It's not the same for guys. They'll give a big grin, make some expansive gesture, act like a show pony or point and shoot with their fingers. All well documented and accepted. Yet the female equivalent is to do an unassuming silly walk. It generally involves slowing the steps down and exaggerating movement such as the swing of the arms or the drop of the shoulders.

Case study one:

A lecture, ca 2003. A girl walks into a lecture and sees a group of her friends coming in from the other side of the lecture hall. She walks over to them (in a silly fashion) as they approach her.

Case study two:

The movies, ca 2004. I am sitting in the movie foyer with Dom when my girlfriend at the time walks in the door. She sees me, walks over, and as I look up she executes a particularly silly walk. With a silly expression on her face. (She does a silly walk and now she's my ex. Go figure. Muhaha.)

Case study three:

I am returning to the office from a settlement when I notice a (male) legal executive from another law office walking toward me from some distance away. There is a female walking in front of me. I barely notice her to begin with, but then she embarks on a ridiculously silly walk toward the legal exec, hunching over to one side and swinging one arm. The exec is deaf, and has an unusual gait, so I wonder if she is making fun of his disability! But no, she is a friend of his, and knows sign language. They have a fingersation as I walk past.

Case study three:

The office, today. This is what jogged my memory. I walk down the hallway and pass Chanel. Normally I'm in a huge hurry, but I walked past and smiled. So did she... And she topped it all off with... You guessed it.

If you've ever noticed this type of behaviour, then can you disprove the above? The theory is flawless so far...

What worries me Jon is that you were ... a) thinking of this at 1:30am and b) you actually got up and typed this blog at that time .....

Please Note: Us females are perfect, we do not have 'silly walks' as you call it, but rather we have mastered such unique and intricate walking movements that for a male to appreciate and understand it is far beyond your abilities and brain power!

P.s. you are spending way too much time watching females walk Jon, Eyes up boy, eyes up!
I posted it at about 8pm. The blog works on another timezone.

Haha, Kazz, that sounds like an admission from a silly walker! :)

I must object, however: recognising the silly walk involves no observation of the chest or backside. Perhaps that's why no male has noticed it before... It's all in the movement and step. And this shows I was paying attention.
I'm afraid your silly walk observation opens a rather large of worms. You see, silly walks are only the start of the problem. They're clearly a sidedish to girl's general alternative humour to guys which consists of puns, "witty" remarks, cutesy crap, silly walks and surprisingly toilet humour. Guys on the other hand tend to be more refined when it comes to humour and are more often comical in the areas of ongoing jokes, elaborate and ridiculous stories and scenarios, impressions, accents, anything non-pc or even offensive. One thing I noticed was that girl's senses of humour never seems to involve hassling their best friends which is the cornerstone of many of my friendships. How can you claim to be funny if you don't treat your friend's life like a joke? Perhaps this can stir up some debate about the real issues in our society such as the clear differences between male and female senses of humour.
Kudos mate, is it any wonder you're my kudos mate? Why don't we publish a book on this?

So guys are the fairer sex when it comes to humour? Considering girls loooove toilet humour and in their cruder moments, joking about 'performance' of males and everything tantamount to it through innuendo... Which males just don't consider funny (unless of course it's potentially intrinsically funny because you're hassling your best mate) because that stuff alone doesn't have any inherent value of hilarity.

They'd say we're reading into this too much, but that's as good as a full acknowledgement.
You go on about women's silly walks and yet you have a photo of Dom at the top of the article - and he's not looking silly?
I think some further objectivity might be required here.
Dom would've been proving the point of how silly these walks are! They are so easy to imitate, but provide hours of ongoing jokes and mockery!
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