Thursday, June 21, 2007


Mr. Malapropism

Every so often in my line of work one comes across a real gem. Of course confidentiality often means laughing alone, but fortunately this particular matter was not based around who the person was and sharing doesn't constitute a breach of privacy (he wasn't a client.)

I represented a young lady trying to get her overbearing man off her back. After writing a letter to her man, I got a brilliant one back, from his father. In it he used the most magnificent malapropisms which were amazingly appropriate.

Anxious to prove he had a keen legal mind, he questioned my methods and described the situation, using intelligent words like 'refrain' (desist), 'tirade' (a long, angry speech) and 'conscientious' (caring, guided by conscience). Or so he thought. It came across a little like this: "every time your client called up we received a torrid of abuse." Perhaps this sounded so good that he used the word three times in the same context! Funny how much the word suited, eh?

In questioning me: "I suggest you reframe from putting in writing..." Again, genius! If the word fits, wear it!

But the best one of all: "My son feels he is a contentious parent." !!! Funny, I'm pretty sure that's what my letter suggested the whole way through. I am glad we agreed on something!

That is an intellectual story which I appreciated. What a hom! I mean Dom.
I've very difficult-to-entertain friends, who say they're tired of visiting their friends as their friends never retaliate.
Hi Jon.

Did you ever experience En Zed customs hounding you about your "Rolex" watch when you returned home?
I did but once they established that the watch was a fake speciman then it was all cool.
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