Sunday, May 06, 2007


Twenty five going on eighteen

Quarter of a century old today. And I still don't have any of the benefits of age like being able to sleep sitting up, long nose hairs, or looking good in a cardigan (Craig's a stunner in his; he turned 34 on Thursday!). So, ushj. But it's not all doom and gloom; I can still go overseas to the UK on a working visa until I'm 28, something I've been thinking about more seriously recently. I was talking to a girl from Aspinall Joel (Lawyers) who was there for four years working for a local authority with a very poor work ethic doing child protection law! Pretty much my ideal job.

All work aside, however, I celebrated my birthday by playing poker with Mix, Susie Q, Lana, Dom and Mon. And not winning. At least I know when Dom has two pair (he goes all in), but the problem is *everyone* now knows this. Later we went to "Perfect Stranger;" a very clever movie to say the least and not spoil it.

Unfortunately I have no pictures to show my readers, but I can promise you all I look no different at 25 than I did yesterday. Promise. The overnight beard and grey hair are cosmetic changes only.

Happy birthday, Jon!

Quarter of a century, ay. Sounds quite impressive.


Happy birthday you steved old bastard! By the way I'd appreciate if you didn't give my brilliant poker secrets away. And stop coming to my site and picking out all the little spelling mistakes!
Happy Birthday. May I introduce you to gravity.
Awesome, thanks Anemone; that's a good positive spin on age.

And Dom and Scotty, it's support like that that encourages me to drag these creaky old bones out of bed in the morning...
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