Saturday, October 28, 2006


On speed

I spent the day today watching two hour movies in an hour each. Yes, it can be done - thanks to fast-paced modern technology! For all those who are curious and think that it may improve their watching experience (I have a wasting time complex whenever I have spare time and don't feel as if I'm using it productively; I have to at least attempt several things at once. For example right now I'm blogging, watching Sleepy Hollow as part of the Splatterday Spectacular, and thinking about going for a run; jogging is 50% mental, you know) all you need to do is turn on English subtitles (or Swahili - your choice) and fast forward at double or 4x speed. Voila! Enjoy speed-watching and have an altogether more productive day. Helps to be a speed reader if you want the movie over with more quickly. It also completely ruins any cinematic ambience the movie seeks to create.

Man, I can't wait for TiVo!

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