Saturday, September 09, 2006


Much Much Kudos

Yeeha! I am SoliciTOR! (I like to write it like that so it makes it sound like a superhero, when you put the stress on the last syllable. The kind of superhero who solves everything through mind-numbing bureaucracy... But super nonetheless!)

I did get told off, however, for smiling at the court. Apparently that's not allowed.

For those of you who have just tuned in; I sat the practical half of the Duty Solicitor course assessment this morning, to bring my last planned exam ever through to completion. The course is so I can be one of the faceless Solicitors who faces up to court to come face to face with the run of the mill crims for a face-off.

I thought to liven up my posts I would have a buzz word of the day. Whoever guesses it first gets 10 points and a free plea in mitigation or remand, should I ever see you down at court.

Hawking my wares, you say? Unethical? Hey, we aren't called SOLICITors for nothing!

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Fudge this...

I sit the test to become a duty solicitor in about 18 hours and I am woefully underprepared. I'm just hoping I'll get that adrenalin rush and surge of confidence I really, really don't feel at the moment. I was all set to study every night, but got caught up in one of the busiest weeks of my life and ended up going to bed early and getting up at 7 or earlier to go in to work.

Healthy? Yeah... Wealthy? No... and Wise? Absolutely positively not. That old adage possibly only aims for about a 33% strike rate.

To uplift you all from the gloom of this post, I have included some relaxing photos from a weekend beach trip. Please ignore the large, inappropriately dressed - and behaved - guy.

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